help us raise $20k!
Your tax-deductible donation will directly help support the dozens of artists, performers, and practitioners involved, as well as cover the remaining costs of needed supplies and materials.
With $20,000 left to raise from a nearly $90,000 project budget, we are looking to YOU, our community, to help us raise the funds needed to bring MassQ Ball 2022: Origin to life.
Every contribution helps. Every donation will have an impact.
Help us bring this unique and powerful arts & culture event to life!

WATER RING - $1,500+
What it does: Supports ONE performing ensemble/group to participate.
​​What you get: Dinner + a private MassQing session at your home.

SUN RING - $500+
What it does: Supports the creation of new MassQ artwork.
What you get: A limited edition MassQ print drop shipped to your door.

PLANT RING - $125+
What it does: Helps pay for supplies for the July 9th Ball.
What you get: A personalized "thank you!" sent straight to your mailbox.

FIRE RING - $750+
What it does: Supports ONE individual performing artist to participate.
What you get: A MassQing Session with Daniel at the July 9th Ball.

WIND RING - $250+
What it does: Supports ONE MassQer to participate in our July 9th Ball.
What you get: Access to behind the scenes content.

What it does: Supports ONE community leader in our think tank.
What you get: Your name listed on our website as a community supporter.